1994-2000 Hungarian University of Applied Arts, Budapest
. MA in Photography and Teaching Visual Culture
Solo Exhibitions
2020 Inner Landscape, (with Szilvia Mucsy and Ágnes Pataki Vukov), Ybl Budai Creative House, Budapest, curator: Dóra Lovass
2014 Found Text, Random Gallery, Budapest
2012 Found Text, DocuArt Centre, Budapest
2001 Then and There II., Trafó Gallery, Budapest
. Then and There, Hotel Aura, Pilisborosjenő
2000 Then and There, FISE Gallery, Budapest
1999 Untitled, Bartók Béla Community Centre, Szeged
. Hometown, Márki Sándor Museum, Sarkad
. Then and There, Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House, Budapest
1998 Untitled, Grand Café, Szeged
. Then and There, Stadtfoyer Gallery in Darmstadt City Hall, Darmstadt, Germany
Selected Group Exhibitions
2021 Images of light, 2nd National Salon of Photography, Műcsarnok, curators: Haris László, Bán András
2020 BODYSCAPE – Nude in Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Budapest Photo Festival, Kiscelli Múzeum, Budapest, curators: Somosi Rita, Szarka Klára
– White, Gray, Black, with Instart group, Három Hét Galéria és BBB ArtSpace Galéria, Budapest, curator: Kincses Károly
2019 Perspectives / Contemporary Hungarian Landscape, Budapest Photo Festival, Kiscelli Múzeum, Budapest, curators: Somosi Rita, Szarka Klára
– Pix&Text, Random Egyesület, Budapest Photo Festival, Budapest Szabó Ervin Könyvtár, curator: Diósi Máté,
2018 Present Perfect, Instart Group, Patyolat Próbaüzem, Budapest, curator: Telek-Nay Ágnes
2017 “Object of Desire”, Photometria Festival, Ioannina, Greece,
– Scratch, with Random Group, Budapest Photo Festival, Artbázis, Budapest,
– SUBJECTUM / Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Budapest Photo Festival, The Castle Garden Bazaar, curators: Szarka Klára, Somosi Rita
– Here we are! Random Group, Kubik Coworking Budapest, collaborated with
2016 Lost, Pictures and pixels, National Salon, Curator: Klára Szarka
. Connections, Random Gallery
2015 Experiment, Random Gallery, Budapest
. Life spaces, K11 Gallery, curator: Virág Böröczfy
. InstArc, Mai Manó House, curator: Károly Kincses
. Hímnem, nőnem, semlegesnem, Random Gallery
. Young Kertész & Young Hungarians, Hungarian Academy in Rome, Italy
2014 Polaroids, Instart Group, Karton Gallery, Budapest
. Jelen-lét (Presence), Kolta Gallery, Budapest, curator: Rita Somosi
. Esztergom Photo Biennial, Esztergom, Budapest
. Found Landscape, To Be Gallery,
. Young Kertész & Young Hungarians, Greifswald, Germany
. Young Kertész & Young Hungarians, Long Room Gallery Athens, Greece
2013 „File K.J.”, Design Terminal, Budapest, curator: Kata Oltai
2012 Random – Found Text, Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House, Budapest
2009 Holdudvar Gallery, Young Photographers’ Studio, Budapest
2000 French Institute, Budapest
. Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Manó House, Budapest
1999 I went to a cafe Photo Contest Exhibit (winner), Grand Café, Szeged
1998 Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
. U Dobrého Pastyře Gallery, Brno, Czeck Republik
1997 Brno City Hall, Brno, Czeck Republic
1996 Péter-Pál Gallery, Szentendre
Media Coverage
2015 Found Text, Fotóművészet, 2015/1. Kincses Károly: A világ ilyen vagy olyan?
2011 Triptichons,
. Képek Deres Kornélia verseihez, JAK Piknik 2011,
2001 Private documents, Szellemkép 2001/1
2000 Interview – FotóVideo Magazin 2000/4